Poem: Bound by a love that knows no bounds…
A heart made from rainbow chalk dust.
In a church where love once split apart,
By rigid views and hardened heart,
Now blooms a faith, both wide and deep,
Where all souls are embraced, none left to weep.
Gone are the days of divisive cries,
Where judgment cast and love denies,
For now the faithful rise anew,
Affirming love in every hue.
The rainbow's arc across the sky,
Is God's own brush, His tender sigh,
That every heart, both near and far,
Is loved for exactly who they are.
The old has passed, its ways confined,
To dusty shelves and narrow mind,
The new has come, a faith so bright,
Where love and grace banish the night.
So here we stand, in sacred space,
All genders, races, every face,
Bound by a love that knows no bounds,
Inclusive faith, where hope resounds.
This poem was created by ChatGPT in response to the prompt “write a poem about inclusive Christianity that rejects a traditional view of the LGBT+ community”